There are a ton of incredible team building problem solving activities available. We’ve hand-picked 11 of our favorites that we think your corporate group will love too. 

1.Cardboard Boat Building Challenge

The Cardboard Boat Building Challenge is a fun and creative team-building activity that requires teams to design and construct boats using only cardboard and adhesive materials. The goal is to build a boat that can float on water and support team members during a race. Here’s how to organize the challenge:

Materials Needed:

  • Cardboard sheets (large enough to build boats)
  • Box cutters or scissors
  • Duct tape or masking tape
  • Markers or paint (for decoration, optional)
  • Water source (swimming pool, lake, or large tub)
  • Life jackets (for safety, if required)
  • Towels (for drying off)

2.Egg Drop

The Egg Drop is a classic and entertaining team-building activity that challenges teams to design and build a contraption that can protect a raw egg from breaking when dropped from a certain height. This activity encourages creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration. Here’s how to organize the Egg Drop challenge:

Materials Needed:

  • Raw eggs (one per team)
  • Assorted materials for building (e.g., straws, popsicle sticks, cotton balls, tape, rubber bands, balloons, etc.)
  • Scissors
  • Markers (for decoration, optional)
  • Drop zone (an open outdoor area with a designated height for dropping the eggs)

3. Clue Murder Mystery

The Clue Murder Mystery is an interactive and engaging team-building activity that involves solving a fictional murder mystery. Participants take on the roles of different characters and work together to unravel clues, solve puzzles, and identify the culprit. Here’s how to organize a Clue Murder Mystery:

  1. Create the Story: Develop a murder mystery storyline with a cast of characters, motives, and clues. Make sure the story is engaging and includes enough mystery to keep participants intrigued.
  2. Assign Characters: Assign each participant a character role with a unique background, personality, and possible motive for the murder. Provide participants with character sheets detailing their role and objectives.
  3. Design Clues and Puzzles: Prepare various clues, riddles, puzzles, and hidden objects that participants must solve to uncover important information about the murder. Ensure the clues are challenging but not too difficult to solve.
  4. Select a Venue: Choose a suitable location for the murder mystery, such as a conference room, mansion setting, or outdoor space. The venue should have separate areas where participants can interact and exchange information.

4.Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower

The Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower challenge is a popular team-building activity that requires teams to construct a tall and sturdy tower using only marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti. The objective is to build the highest tower that can support the weight of a marshmallow placed on top. Here’s how to organize the Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower challenge:

Materials Needed:

  • Marshmallows (large and small)
  • Uncooked spaghetti (thin or thick)
  • Rulers or measuring tapes
  • Timer or stopwatch
  • Optional: Markers or colored tape for decoration (optional)

5.Corporate Escape Room

The Corporate Escape Room is a team-building activity inspired by the popular escape room games. In this scenario, teams of employees work together to solve a series of puzzles, riddles, and challenges within a themed room or space. The goal is to find clues, unlock mysteries, and escape the room within a set time limit. Here’s how to organize a Corporate Escape Room:


  1. Choose a Theme: Select a captivating theme for the escape room that aligns with your company culture or goals. It could be a mystery, adventure, or problem-solving theme that engages participants.
  2. Design Puzzles and Challenges: Create a sequence of puzzles, riddles, and challenges that require problem-solving, logic, and teamwork. These can include hidden objects, decoding clues, mechanical puzzles, and more.
  3. Create the Room Setup: Transform a meeting room or a dedicated space into the escape room by decorating it according to the chosen theme. Set up various stations or areas where participants can interact with the puzzles and challenges.
  4. Allocate Resources: Gather the necessary props, clues, and materials required to facilitate the escape room experience. Ensure that all puzzles are functioning correctly before the event.
  5. Develop a Backstory: Craft a compelling backstory or narrative that introduces the mission and objective of the escape room. Present this to the teams before they enter the room to immerse them in the experience.

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